I forgive Victoria Forester Courtland for making false claims to the Seattle Police to hurt me
Below is my 208-page memoir (below), the documentary book which being supported by 212 undeniable evidence/figures. It was being published in 2017.
This memoire ducuments the facts: (1) at the 2007 Washington State Superior Court, Mrs. Victoria Forester Courtland made false statements (under oath) against an innocent health care provider; and (2) why I would forgive Mrs. Courtland for her false accusations.
Index - Forward - Postscript of this book 目录页 - 前言篇 - 后记篇
5. The 'Cross-Necklace Counselor'. 6. The Ex-Judge behind bars - 6A. ”You should not be indicted"; - 6B. Kathy's "false allegations against Mr. Cheng"; - 6C. My 4/13/1998 vs. Kathy's 5/19/1998; - 6D. The Health Department found no violations; - 6E. kathy's lawyer Mr. McGoran).
7. State witness Bonnie & Cheyl were impeached (7A. Kathy asked Bonnie for help, 7B. "Bonnie is lying about many things"; 7C. Bonnie referred Kathy to see me"; 7D. Bonnie vs. Kathy; 7E. Bonnie vs. Cheryl).
8. Bonnike, Cheyl helped Kathy (8A. Before 4/12/1998, Kathy no complain; 8B. Bonnie's role in Kathy's allegation); 8C. "Cheryl Norwood came to help corroborate this"; 8D Secret: Cheryl got $10,000 from Kathy).
9. The Ex-Judge urged me to sue my trial lawyer. 10. I was not with Kathy at the alleged incident. 11. Kathy's case was closed in 1998. 12. The statute of limitation was expired in 2013." 13. The trial judge prohibited to verify the truth. 14. The photos with Victoria Forester Courtland.
15. Victoria Courtland's 7/2/2001 visiting. (15A. Victoria Forester Courtland needed money; 15B. VC was "enjoying writing stories"; 15C. VC felt I 'like a healing art' in her life; 15D. VC's fiction about sexual touching. VC's wanted to write the 1998 case. 15F. VC is 'extremely intelligent.')
16. VC's statement was 'NOT' consistent (16A. VC called the Police 1 1/2 years later. 16B. No evidence of the 2004 massage; 16C. No evidence of treating 'uterine prolapse'; 16D. No evidenc of Dr. & patient relationship; 16E. No evidence of VC was 'raped').
17. VC and her husband's contrary statements.
18. Why VC would wait for 18 months long? (18A. Dr. Howard Blum disproved VC's claim; 18B. Karren O'Connell disproved VC's claim).
19. The Ex-Judge asked me to sue my trial lawyer (19A. Why VC was 'afraid ... for calling the police"? 19B. VC said, "he would kill me").
20. VC's contrary claims under oath.
21. Victoria Courtland's illogical claims.
22. The baseless 'grooming' theory.
23. Met Former lawyer Allan Parmelee.
24. Prosecutor's 'gender' remarks against me.
25. Prosecutor's 'race' remarks against me.
26. The prosecutor fabricated I '"lied".
27. Fabricated my witness were not honest.
28. Kathy's check proved I was not guilty.
29. Mr. Parmerlee encouraged me to sue my lawyer (29A. My lawyer knew the Judge's error. 29B. Kathy;s $10,000.00 loan to her witness; 29C. Presented false fact to the jury; 29D Failed to challenge V.C.'s perjury; 29E. Knowingly misrepresented my case; 29F. Failure to disqualify the unfair Judge.)
30. "You should sue the interpreter".
31. I challenged the trial Judge's errors.
32. My conviction was a mystery.
33. Sex Offender Treatment Program.
34. My Angels (34A. Met David on the Singapore Airline; 34B. Sadie & Ray Rood; 34C. Professor A. Maxwell; 34D. My other guardian angels.
In April of 2009, when I was incarcerated at Airway Heights Corrections Center (AHCC) for an alleged sex crime I did not commit, U.S. Senator Jim Webb's article, 'Why We Must Fix Our Prisons' (Parade magazine, 3/29/2009) had been widely spread out in the prison cells because of the Senator's conclusion: America with 5% of t he world's population holds 25% of the world prisoners and "We are locking up too many people who do not belong in jail". His conclusion was correct because I was one of the innocent prisoners (see Fig. 1).
The fact that I was an innocent man was discovered by Ms. L. N., a super lawyer in the State of Washington. After she reviewed the entire documents and the trial transcripts, on Septemeber 9 of 2008, she wrote me about her fact finding as; "You are an innocent man (Footnote 1) wrongfully caught up in the craziness and deceipt [sic] of these two women through no doing of your own. I believe the trial judge made errors in your trial."
I was accused by two married adults, Victoria Forester Courtland (VC)(Note: Victoria Forester Courtland became publicity after she disclosed her name to the public at the open Court on June 6th, 2007. See Fig. 2). and Kathy P. (or Kathy R)(Footnote 3). At the 2007 trial Court, Prosecutor attorney Heather Jensen said, "Ms, Courtland with her report to the KCSARC, which is not exactly consistent with that she had said during her interview." (See Fig. 3A)
VC asked The Superior Court to order me to pay her restitution of $12,372 to treat her 3-year-old daughter's biting-nails habit, and claimed that she was a "victim" (Footnote 4, Fig. 3B), but was not granted by the Court.
There were 21 female patients who wanted to be my witnesses to defeat the false accusation, but they were all precluded by the trial Court -- Scott J. Engelhard, my trial lawyer, wrote me on June 1st of 2007: "... Judge MacInners saying that she will NOT allow us to call any of your other female clients as witnesses ... is a bad ruling by her, and it may be good grounds to get a new trial (Footnote 5) (see Fig. 4).
After the miscarriage of the justice, two Washington State super appellate lawyers, Lenell Naussbaum and Sheryl G. MaCloud (now a Justice of the Supreme Court of State of Washington) came over at the King County Jail to meet me, and expressed their interests in taking my appeal case upon the trial court's errors. I chose Ms. Nussbaum because we had some common interests (e.g., to play violin/viola, and to speak Russian). Unfortunately, on the half of the appeal, she withdrew due to my limited financial resources.
Then, I thought to seek help from U.S. Senator Patty Marry who invited me to "for a luncheon" with Joe Biden, the Vice President of the U.S.A. (Fig. 5) in 2009, and Dr. Paul Shin, Washington State Senator who wrote me a congratulatory letter after my first memoir, "The Grassland Journal: The Nomads & The Red Sun" (ISBN 0-9723807-3-6), was published in 2007 (Fig. 5).
My intention to seek help from senators did not work due to the Constitution of the United States divides the American government into three parts (Executive, Legislative and Judicial); The Seanators are in the legislative branch which does not have discretion to involve themselves in the decision of a court that belongs to the Judicial branch.
When all these doors to challenge the 2007 unfair conviction were closed, God opened another window to me. In the AHCC prison I got to meet former Judge Dick who helped me to analyzed why I was unjustified (see pages 33-141) former attorney Allan Parmelee (see pages 142-166) who helped me to understand why there is no 'Equal Justice Under the Law'; and Steve J. S., a retired professor, who helped me correcting English mistakes of my legal papers. He also lived not far from my cell in the prison.
Since my injustice case was explored on the website, titled as TELLING THE TRUTH (www.CharlieYCheng.com, see Fig. 1 supra). in January 2015, some readers expressed their sympathy because I experienced what Joseph in the Bible had experienced (Footnote 6), some asked me how did my wife and I overcome the disaster after the miscarriage of justice? I told them the secret proudly that because we obey God's Words and believe that the Lord is always with us. This fact had been documented in my wife's letter to me dated April 14 of 2009 (Fig. 6), which I received while I was in prison. The letter gave the best answer:
"My dear, ... You should try your best to fight for the truth because God is with us. Just as Paul said that the beautiful battle we have been fought. Our life journal is as we seek the Lord and pray for God's direction, there is nothing we can't overcome ... God is the only one we can rely on. Be still and know that He is God." (see Fig. 6)
I love America because She gave me another opportunity to discover the Mercy from God since I've been wrongfully arrested on August 1st of 2006. - Charlie Y. Cheng, the writer (July, 2017)"