Victoria Forester Courtland's
False Statements (Timeline)
12/09/1998, V.C. was referred by Mitch to see me for her muscle injury. That time she was a Marking Assistant. He last name was “Forester", not "Courtland". (See evidenc "FACT-H" below)
12/09/1998, V.C. was referred by Mitch to see me for her muscle injury. That time she was a Marking Assistant. He last name was “Forester", not "Courtland". (See evidenc "FACT-H" below)
In 2000, V.C. asked me to have pictures taken with her before he moved back to Boston from Seattle. (see FACT-54 below).
04/13/2001, V.C. gave me her email and asked me to email her above-mentioned two photos. I did. (See FACT-31 below .)
NOTE: I (the one wearing white shirt) was standing on Victoria's right side. (Note: These two photos showed that the size of Mrs. Victoria Forester Courtland is bigger than me, and she's taller than me, too.)
07/02/2002, V.C. flewback to Seattle from Stamford, Connecticut to see me for Acuvibra Therapy even though she had "no particular problem "(see evidence "FACT-J")
(NOTE: At the 6/5/2007 trial, V.C. told the Jury that on July 2, 2002, "When I asked him if there had been a problem with a misunderstanding by another client, he did give me a positive indication about my interpretation that there was a misunderstanding." ) I told her that on 11/13/2001 the DOH had found tha I was NO guilty for K.R.'s 1998 accusation. She wanted adding the new story in her future book about my Acuvibra Therapy.
On 07/02/2002, I did NOT disclose accuser K.R.'s name to V.C. I asked V.C. to check the DOH's website because the DOH's 11/13/2001 ORDER had been posted there.
On 07/02/2002, V.C. signed the Patient Consent To Treatment form (see FACT-P below).
In 2003, V.C.'s fiction, The Visible Woman "that was about a young woman being stalked" was published in a magazine called the Worcester Review." (See FACT-2 below.)
12/07/2004 or before, V.C. arrived in Seattle. See V.C.'s public statement in the trial court on 06/05/2007 (below).
12/15/2004, the 8th day of arriving in Seattle, V.C. came to my office checking the document of K.R.'s 1998 file for her future book about me. I didn't allow her to make copy at my office. She took notes including K.R.'s contact information. (Note: At the 9/7/2007 court, V.C. made a public statement that she contacted so-called 'victims', more than one. See evidence "FACT-C", infra).
She paid $48 (check No. 1138) to buy K.R.'s information. See "FACT_L" below.
NOTE: Victoria Courtland hided this check copy from the Seattle Police Detective Donna Stangeland and the Department of Health investigator. My defense lawyer got the copies of V.C.'s check No. 1138, 1139 and 1140 from her bank. It had been presented to the trial Court as my evidence to disprove Victoria Courtland's claim. In the 06/05/2007 public Court Victoria Forester Coutland had authenticated but didn't deny.
12/15/2004, the 8th day of arriving in Seattle, V.C. came to my office checking the document of K.R.'s 1998 file for her future book about me. I didn't allow her to make copy at my office. She took notes including K.R.'s contact information. (Note: At the 9/7/2007 court, V.C. made a public statement that she contacted so-called 'victims', more than one. See evidence "FACT-C", infra).
She paid $48 (check No. 1138) to buy K.R.'s information. See "FACT_L" below.
NOTE: Victoria Courtland hided this check copy from the Seattle Police Detective Donna Stangeland and the Department of Health investigator. My defense lawyer got the copies of V.C.'s check No. 1138, 1139 and 1140 from her bank. It had been presented to the trial Court as my evidence to disprove Victoria Courtland's claim. In the 06/05/2007 public Court Victoria Forester Coutland had authenticated but didn't deny.
NOTE: Without getting K.R.'s contact information on 12/15/2004, V.C. would have not know how to reach K.R. and to "met" the 1998 accuser "to come forward again.” (See FACT-3 below)
12/17/2004, V.C. came to my office checking the document of B.C. (Bonnie C.) who made up the false claims to back up K.R.'s false claim (see supra). V.C. took notes, and paid $48 (check No. 1139) to buy B.C.'s contact information. See "FACT_M" below).
(NOTE: Without getting B.C.'s contact information on 12/15/2004, V.C. would have not know how to reach B.C. and to "met" the 1998 accuser "to come forward again.” (See FACT-3 above)
I told V.C. that former English Prof. Alex Maxwell was also interesting in writing my story about how I won K.R.'s and her two friends 1998 false allegations.
12/21/2004, V.C. came to my office checking the document of C.B. (Cheryl B.), B.C.'s daughter-in-law, who made up the false claims in 1998 for the purpose to back up K.R.'s false claim (see supra). V.C. took notes of C.B., and paid $48 (check No. 1140) for getting C.B.'s information. See evidence "FACT_N" below).
(NOTE: Without getting C.B.'s contact information on 12/15/2004, V.C. would have not know how to reach C.B. and to "met" the 1998 accuser "to come forward again.” (See FACT-3 supra)
V.C. left my office with angry because (1) I refused to grant the exclusive right to write my story, and (2) I did not allow her to use our 2001 photos that showing she and me were shaking hands together in front of my clinic sign in her future book about me.
(NOTE: Without getting C.B.'s contact information on 12/15/2004, V.C. would have not know how to reach C.B. and to "met" the 1998 accuser "to come forward again.” (See FACT-3 supra)
V.C. left my office with angry because (1) I refused to grant the exclusive right to write my story, and (2) I did not allow her to use our 2001 photos that showing she and me were shaking hands together in front of my clinic sign in her future book about me.
12/22/2004, V.C.'s husband arrived in Seattle (see infra FACT-33).
12/22/2004, V.C.'s husband arrived in Seattle (see infra FACT-33).
12/31/2004, V.C. flew back to the East Coast (see infra FACT-33).
02/11/2005, V.C. got her bank statement, the 'Consolidated Statement' for the period of 12/9/2004-1/10/2005. V.C.'s bank statement didn't reflect the fact, as V.C. claimed, that in December of 2004 she had paid me for treating her uterine prolapse (see "FACT-K" in ‘Q17', infra) .
April, 2005 (3 months before calling the KCSARC), V.C. told her sister Susan Forester Goodall that she'd been 'sexually assaulted' by me in December of 2004 (see infra FACT-35). It was the first time she mentioned the non-existing 2004 sexual assault story to others.
Then, V.C.'s sister taught her a "Cold Hot Theory" (see FACT-34)
07/20/2005, V.C. called King County Sexual Assault Resource Center ("KCSARC") from the East Coast and left message. According to the KCSARC's record, V.C. "would like some information to report a sexual assault."
07/22/2005, The KCSARC's manager called V.C. back (Case No. 17654). Victoria Forester Courtland asked KCSARC manager Megen P. Allen whether there there were any other complaints against me.
Ms. Allen called the Seattle Police to check on the information V.C. wanted. Then called back to V.C. (see FACT-48 below).
07/22/2005, The KCSARC's manager called V.C. back (Case No. 17654). Victoria Forester Courtland asked KCSARC manager Megen P. Allen whether there there were any other complaints against me.
Ms. Allen called the Seattle Police to check on the information V.C. wanted. Then called back to V.C. (see FACT-48 below).
07/25/2005, Ms. Megan Allen, manager of KCSARC "closed" Victoria Forester Courtlant's complaint on the basis that V.C. "did not respond" Ms. Allen's 'follow up call" (see FACT-17 below)
NOTE:Regarding Victoria Forester Courtland's statement to the KCSARC, Prosecutor Ms. Jensen said at the public Court, "Ms. Courtland with her reports to KCSARC, which is not exactly consistent with what she has said during her interviews." (See FACT-53 below).
06/06/2006, V.C. made a false 2004-December Sexual Assault report to the Seattle Police Department from her home on the East Coast.
06/09/2006, A Seattle Police Detective called me and asked me to say sorry to Victoria Courtland. I denied because I had never seen a such patient whose name was Victoria Courtland.
05/02/2007, My attorney received the copies of V.C.'s three checks she paid me in December of 2004 (see supra FACT_L, FACT_M and FACT_N) from V.C.'s bank in the East Coast.
Note: My attorney subpoenaed V.C.'s three checks of December 2004 because V.C. and the Prosecutor's Office only gave him V.C. bank's "Consolidated Statement" but no the copies of V.C.'s three checks. the Defense lawyer the copy of V.C.'s checks related to V.C.'s allegation.
(Unfinished ... Under Construction)
1. Mrs. V.C. (Victoria Forester Courtland) repeatedly saying that you had not touched her inappropriately for "Seven years" (see FACT-28,FACT-29 & FACT-30 in Home page). What does Mrs. Courtland's "seven years" mean?
The scientific way, which is based on the fact, to calculated Victoria Forester Courtland's "seven years" is from the first day she met me: 12/09/1998 (see FACT-H supra).
CONCLUSION: Victoria Forester Courtland's “7-years“ period is 12/09/1998 - 12/09/2005.
2. At the 2007 trial court, did Mrs. Victoria Courtland authentic you picture which you emailed to her on 04/13/2001 that showing her right hand being on top of your right shoulder at the 2007 trial court?
Yes, on 06/05/2007 at the open Court, Victoria Courtland verified the following photo, "Defendant's Exhibit 10" (see FACT-32 below). which shows the fact that V.C.'s right hand on top of my right shoulder.
Yes, on 06/05/2007 at the open Court, Victoria Courtland verified the following photo, "Defendant's Exhibit 10" (see FACT-32 below). which shows the fact that V.C.'s right hand on top of my right shoulder.
After V.C.'s authentication, above picture -"Defendant's Exhibit 10" - had been accepted as my evidence (see below).
3. When did Victoria Forester Courtland asked you to have pictures taken with her?
Regarding when our photos being taken, V.C. have two versions: (1)"would have been 2000." (Citing page 101 of the court's official transcript dated 06/05/2007.) (2) "It would have been just a few months or a couple months or even a month ... beforehand ... in 2001" (Citing page 106 of the court's official transcript dated 06/05/2007.)
Regarding when our photos being taken, V.C. have two versions: (1)"would have been 2000." (Citing page 101 of the court's official transcript dated 06/05/2007.) (2) "It would have been just a few months or a couple months or even a month ... beforehand ... in 2001" (Citing page 106 of the court's official transcript dated 06/05/2007.)
4. Had Victoria Forester Courtland received above-mentioned two pictures?
Yes, V.C. did. See her testimony below (FACT-Q).
Yes, V.C. did. See her testimony below (FACT-Q).
5. When was the first time Victoria Forester Courtland told her sister Susan Goodall that she's being 'sexually assaulted' by you during her December-2004 treatment session for her uterine prolapaw?
According to Victoria Courtland's own sworn statement, the first time she talked to her sister Susan Goodall about the alleged sexually assault was during the period of April-June of 2005, which was 'three months' before she called the KCSARC in June, 2005. (See FACT-35 below).